American history (1ere année licence lea) 15.00 / 20

The Virginia Company tried to solve the problem by creating a new system “Indentured Servitude”, the company proposed to poor people in England to pay their journey to America and at the end gave them piece of land and food in exchange of 7 years of servitude. A lot of people agreed because life in England at that time was extremely hard. But arriving in America they discover that life in the colony was not really better as living conditions were though and the work in the field was hard too so some of them died before the end of the 7 years, an other part of the servants preferred to escape and live with the Indians, but if they were caught they were severely punished, they were wiped, or even sometime killed,…Even if they were protected by laws these were not well applied, and most of the time the owners were often favoured.
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Le cours suit la chronologie. Depuis la découverte du continent Américain par les vikings puis plus tard par Christophe Colomb. Puis la colonisation, la conquète de l'Ouest, les relations avec l'Angleterre. La cours s'arrête vers la fin des années 1800.
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6 commentaires

Posté le 24 oct. 2022

Je n'arrive pas à télécharger le document 

Posté le 2 oct. 2015

Bizarre, impossible de telecharger le fichier!! En plus on a débité mes jetons :(

Posté le 2 oct. 2015

Merci, je suis en LEA et c'est exactement ce que je cherchais! :)

Posté le 3 sept. 2015

Je trouve ce document très intéressant !

Posté le 3 sept. 2015

Merci beaucoup :)

Posté le 14 déc. 2014


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