Effective communication with customers 12.00 / 20

Exposé de Marketing, Commerce, sur l'efficacité de la communication avec le client, Effective communication with customers

Bonjour tout le monde,voici un exposé que j'ai préparer concernant la communication avec les clients et comment elle peut etre efficace. C'est la premiere fois que j'envoie un document ainsi et j'espère que ça sera pas la dernière


Good communication is the foundation of a good attorney-client relationship. It is among the most important factors determining the volume of future referrals from your clients. With so much riding on the quality of your communication, you should be compelled to be the best communicator possible. This requires that you take 100% responsibility for all communication in which you are involved. That means having good command of both ends of the communication process.


  • Effective Listening Skills
  • Being an Effective Listener
  • Obstacles To Good Communication
  • Active Listening
  • The Power Of Questions
  • Asking Relevant Questions
  • Acknowledging The Speaker
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