Rapport de stage à l'étranger 14.00 / 20

I'm actually in my 3rd year in the business school of Reunion Island (Ecole de Gestion et Commerce). This school offered me the opportunity to do a work placement in a foreign country, to improve my english. English is the official business language in the world. That's why it is very important for student of business school to learn and to practice this language. Il is the best tool to success in this profession.
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Contenu de ce document de Langue > Anglais


I. Economic introduction of the country and the area

A. South Africa Overview

B. Cape Town City

II. The two oceans aquarium

A. General information

B. The Education Department

III. My missions

A. Discovery Phase

B. My main mission

C. Additional tasks

IV. My economic topic

A. Save our seas foundation

B. Save our shark centre

V. My analysis

A. Personal

B. Professional

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