Marketing through the social network

Social network sites (SNSs) are increasingly attracting the attention of more and more users around the world. This academic research explains why social network sites are so special and unique by giving some keys of their success. The purpose of this research is to provide a conceptual and an historical context for social network sites, and get an idea about how the marketing department works in these sites. We begin by defining what is a social network site and then present the historical development of SNSs, after that we shall speak about marketing through SNSs. We conclude with an example of a company using Fa cebook marketing services.
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Plan :

Plan: Introduction Part I: All about Social network sites 1. Social Network Sites: A Definition 2. History of Social Network Sites 3. Brief history of Twitter, Myspace and Facebook Part II: Marketing through the social network 1. Facebook marketing 2. Marketing techniques for facebook 3. Example of a company using Facebook marketing services Conclusion
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