Rapport de stage logistique 12.00 / 20

First of all, within the framework of our cursus within the INSEEC, we had to realize a training in a company in a foreign country. For my part, I carried out this training in the LORD SCPA company, situated in Ferrara in Italy. It is important to specify that I began to work within the structure at the beginning of july (on 1er july). In an economic context marked by the globalization of trade and where goods transportation are very important for the economy, I found a perspicace idea to learn this business with all the requirement. I carry out the training in a Italian Company situated in Ferrara specialized in Logistics called LORD. I carry my mission in both the logistics service and the marketing service. And it was a good opportunity to discover a new company structure , a new company concept, in a new country for me : Italy. In a first part, I shall present the group LORD SCPA: the structure, its functioning and its performances in order to explain how the company which welcomed me within the training. In a second part, I shall establish a report of my activity to explain the accomplished missions, the methods and the implemented set-up to carry out this mission of one month. Finally I would finish by an analysis of the organization of LORD SCPA which will allow me to propose with humility the axes of improvement of this last one. Initially, this document presents the company, the business of transportation. I will then present the various missions in which I participated in this internship and my feelings. Find a training abroad wasn’t as easy as we can think, because not only I disposed of 1month (it’ a real short term) but also, I had to carry out this training abroad. It made possible throught my strong willing to find training via training interviews in
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Contenu de ce document de Commerce > Logistique

Plan :

Sommaire Introduction 3 Acknowledgments 4 I Presentation of the company 5 1. LORD SCPA : A human-sized company 5 2. Geographical context 6 3. Structural context 8 4. Strategy 10 5. Services 10 6. Fashion service 11 II. The main Missions and objectives 12 1. The discovery of the activity 12 2. Translation mission 12 3. Order management and customer 13 4. Synthese about the future of goods by road transport in Morocco. 14 III. Analyze and Recommendations 15 1. Benefits and drawbacks of the structure 15 2. Weaknesses of the structure 16 3. Swot table 17 4. Recommendations 18 Conclusion 19
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