Theorists project. is it possible to divide the world along ideological or ethnic lines?

The purpose of today is to study the limitations of the different geopolitician's theories and also to answer to a question, is it possible to divide the world along ideological and ethnic lines today? With the globalization, the evolution of mentalities and the different cultures the world can be divided along civilizations areas. We will answer to the problematic with two parts. The first one, the reasons which explain this division and in a second part the limitations of the main geopolitician's theories. So we will notice if world has been changed and how he changed. Because since the fall of the Berlin Wall there is no more a gap between capitalism and communist system. So we would see if it exist new ideology and if it’s possible to divide the world with these ideologies.
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Plan :

Introduction I) It is possible to divide the world along ideological or ethnic lines? A) An ideological gap? 1) No more just a clash between capitalism and communism 2) The division of the world B) An Ethnic Division? 1) Ethnical differences on the same continent 2) Differences between the continent II) Geo-politicians Theorists III) Conclusion : Our Opinions IV) Bibliography
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