Write an essay: would you be ready to take a gap year? explain your answer. 250 words 15.00 / 20

I think I would be ready to take a gap year but before I believe I must continued my studies. I often dream that after my studies I would like go out of France for take a gap year in English-speaking country like Malta where I already go. A gap year only can be beneficent. First, that immerse us in a country whose doesn’t speak French, so that obliged us to be comprehend and used all the vocabulary, every words and every expression that we know
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I think I would be ready to take a gap year but before I believe I must continued my studies. I often dream that after my studies I would like go out of France for take a gap year in English-speaking country like Malta where I already go. A gap year only can be beneficent. First, that immerse us in a country whose doesn’t speak French, so that obliged us to be comprehend and used all the vocabulary, every words and every expression that we know
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