TOEIC Partie 6 Correction : Text Completion 17.00 / 20

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Contenu de ce document de Langue > Anglais

Questions 141 to 144 refer to the following email.

From : David Petersen
To : Tom Miller
Subject : Audit Report

Dear Tom,

Just a quick message about the recently conducted audit of our European office. As you know, it was felt that a thorough audit was necessary due to recent changes in financial regulations and the acquisition of two local competitors.

In addition to the financial records, we decided to audit all departments regarding compliance to corporate processes in the areas of marketing, legal and procurement.

I am pleased to report that only minor issues have been raised during the audit. Theses issues should be relatively easy to address.

Would you be free to meet in the coming days so that we can discuss this situation?

Kind regards,
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