TOEIC Part 3 Correction : Shorts Conversations

TOEIC Part 3 Correction : Conversations

Ce document est associé à l'exercice TOEIC Part 3 : Conversations. Une fois que vous aurez réalisée cet exercice pratique, nous vous invitons à consulter la correction pour analyser vos erreurs et corriger vos lacunes avant le véritable examen.

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Contenu de ce document de Langue > Anglais

Conversation 1
Questions 41 to 43 refer to conversation 1

41. Where is the conversation probably taking place?

a) In a hospital
b) In an office
c) In a school
d) In a restaurant

42. Why is the woman under pressure?

a) She has an important meeting in a few minutes
b) She needs to finish a presentation
c) She has an appointment with the CEO
d) She worked late last night and is tired

43. Does the woman accept the man’s offer to help?

a) She asks him to make some photocopies
b) She asks him to prepare the graphs
c) She may ask him to scan the presentation
d) She may ask him for help with some figures

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