éxposé en anglais london city 13.00 / 20

The capital of both England and the United Kingdom, London is the biggest city in Western Europe with more than 7 million people. Because of its historical sites and cultural institutions London is a major tourist attraction. People all over the world are familiar with the city\'s red double-decker buses and black taxicabs. London sits on the banks of the River Thames. The city is quite spread out because there was no plan for the city\'s growth until the 1950s

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London is an important center for international banking. Because of this, there are many banks in the city. London is also a center for investing. The city\'s insurance companies, especially for ocean and air travel, are some of the largest in the world. The tourist industry is also an important part of London\'s economy. More than 200,000 people in London work at jobs that are related to tourism.

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