Sujet brevet 2009 anglais

DIPLÔME NATIONAL DU BREVET ÉPREUVE : ANGLAIS SÉRIES : TOUTES SESSION 2009 Repère J 1 Durée : 1 heure 30 Coefficient : 1 ACADÉMIES DE CRÉTEIL, PARIS, VERSAILLES, LILLE, AMIENS, ROUEN I – COMPRÉHENSION ÉCRITE (6 points) There are two rich kids in our form. Sandra Morris and Ben Fox. They are both snobs. They think they are too good for the rest of us. I guess they don’t want to mix with people like me. They are both goodlooking with blue eyes and blond hair. Me, I’ve got pimples*. It’s not fair. 5 Today Boffin has brought along his latest invention – a lie** detector. Sandra agreed to try it. “Ok,” he says. “You ask the questions, David.” This is going to be fun. I am going to learn a little about Sandra Morris and Ben Fox. It’s going to be very interesting. I ask my first question, “Have you ever kissed Ben Fox?”