La globalisation de l'anglais dans le monde 17.00 / 20

The English is no doubt today the universal language and can be understood almost everywhere in the scientific world and among the educated people, it is also the language of film, television, pop music and of the Information of technology world. Everywhere on the planet, the people know at least a few words in English. The English has obtained the status of official language in at least 60 States of the world. The English language is spoken by approximately 342 million people, as mother tongue while 508 million human beings are spoken English as a secondary language. English has replaced French as the lingua Franca of diplomacy since the Second World War
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17 / 20

Contenu de ce document de Langue > Anglais

Plan :

-Introduction -histoy of english -English in the world -the use of english -english in the futur -rivals for english -conclusion
62 téléchargements

11 commentaires

Posté le 12 mai 2017

The English is no doubt today the universal language and can be
understood almost everywhere in the scientific world and among the
educated people, it is also the language of film, television, pop music
and of the Information of technology world. Everywhere on the planet,
the people know at least a few words in English. The English has
obtained the status of official language in at least 60 States of the
world. The English language is spoken by approximately 342 million
people, as mother tongue while 508 million human beings are spoken
English as a secondary language. English has replaced French as the
lingua Franca of diplomacy since the Second World War
The reasons of the predominance is due to the economic and political
supremacy of the UK and USA, as well as the fact that English speaking
countries export many aspects of language and culture to the world. If
another nation becomes more powerful in globalization than the Anglo
sphere, then of course English could lose its dominance as what
happened to Latin
Nowadays, English is the official language of maritime and air
communications, in addition to being one of the official languages of the
United Nations and several other international organizations. Books,
magazines and newspapers written in English are available in several
countries of the globe. English is also become the most widely used
language in the field of science. The concept of a universal language is
today more important in the era of mass communication in the world. By
a happy coincidence, the English, is one of the languages the less
complex and easier in the world. Of course, the concept of easy is
relative, and it depends on the language that you already know.
However, the concept of simplicity is undeniable: English is an easy
language to learn, to understand and speak. The conjugation of verbs is
very simple and easy. Same for the irregular verbs, there is little
variation for different people.
Today new languages become races for the English .other languages
are fairly simple and synthetic, with very little of conjugation of verbs
as the Asian languages (Thai or Chinese). These languages are however
written with ideograms and are tonal languages. However, if the
Chinese should be written with the Latin alphabet, it could become a
universal language. There are other languages that are strong, due to
the demographic power and economic, could be of universal languages,
but which have a number of disadvantages.
As with any language, the English language continues to evolve, and, by
its current predominance, it ensures a “life” long and well filled!

Posté le 21 juil. 2015


Posté le 28 avr. 2015

Beau travail, bravo ! Moi qui est du mal en compréhension écrite, ici les mots utilisés sont simples... Ce doc est un beau résumé des points principaux à connaître ! Parfait, je suis en pleines révisions  pour passer le CLES !

Posté le 5 mars 2015

Super doc, bravo !

Posté le 27 janv. 2015


Posté le 29 nov. 2014

thank you

Posté le 19 sept. 2014

merci beaucoup

Posté le 19 sept. 2014


merci mon anglais certainement va s ameliorer

Posté le 25 août 2014


Posté le 21 oct. 2013

Very good document ! Mon anglais ne va pouvoir que s'améliorer !!

Posté le 25 août 2014


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